Colours of June

The Coming out Ball for English gardens has to be celebrated in June and the disheveled abundance off massed old fashioned roses are for me are the Queens of this Ball. Quite simply June belongs to the rose, therefore I have contained the colours of June to these old fashioned roses. Their romantic names and fascinating histories beautifully match with their mixed scents and colours – from Damasks to Moss roses, and individual varieties like the dusky Gallica Cardinal de Richelieu, Rosa Mundi, Veilchenblau, Madame Isaac Pereire, Reine des Violettes, Tour de Malakoff is to name but a few. Many of the darker ones fade gloriously into wonderful purple and greyish hues which look perfect with clematis or geraniums rambling daintily through them. Really this month the only thing to do is enjoy them whilst they are at their best.

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